风水英语解释:the location of a person's house and (or) ancestral grave, supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family and his offsprings; a geomantic omen。
房间风水翻译room fengshui / house fengshui
整体系统原则 An Integrated and Holistic System
因地制宜原则 Being Suitable and Appropriate to the Restriction and Limitation of the Site
生态修复原则 Ecological restoration
建筑景观原则 andscape of architecture
山水选择原则 Bound by Mountains and Near Water
负阴抱阳原则 Carry the Yin and Embrace the Yang
观形察势原则 Observe the Form and Examine the Configuration
地质检验原则 Examine the Geology of the Land
水质分析原则 Analyze the Quality of Water
定量规定则 Determine the Amount and the Standard
顺乘生气原则 Take Advantage of the Sheng Qi
适中居中原则 Suitably Located in the Middle and Residing in the Middle 审美原则 Aesthetic Appreciations
绿化原则 Greening the Environment
改造风水原则 Feng Shui can be Transformed and Improved.
阴阳调和辩证原则 Yin Yang Dialectics to Achieve Harmony
合时有情原则 Being Timely and Affectionate
化学和物理污染检测原则 Detection to pollution of physical and Chemical
古代帝王宣明政教的地方,风水术称穴前的地气聚合之处。穴前是小明堂 , 龙虎山里是中明堂 , 案山内是大明堂。或者称小明堂为内明堂。大明堂为外明堂。内明堂近案当前,不可太宽,旷荡则不能藏风,不可太窄 , 局促则穴不显贵。要山势缓和,龙虎环抱 , 不敬侧 , 不卑湿。外明堂要有四山围绕而无空缺 ,外水曲折 , 远远朝来。
水势:风水学对水势的许多分类 , 如太极晕水、天心水、真应水、缘储水、朝怀水、聚面水、卫身水、荡胸水、穿臂水、割脚水、淋头水、卷帘水、反身水、漏腮水、交剑水、流泥水、分流水、拱背水、 腰带水、反跳水、漏槽水、仓板水、回流水、入口水、射肋水、刑杀水、牵牛水等。
用以避邪驱灾的石块。石上刻有石敢当三个字或其它符号 , 置于村口、路口、巷口、门口等处。